Monday, October 8, 2012

New School Year Fun!!

We are nearing the end of the first quarter! Conferences are just around the corner and boy are we ready!
We are learning so many new things in 2nd grade this year!  

Please make sure your student is turning in at least one book report each week.  This makes a huge difference in their reading grade! 

I am looking forward to seeing all of you at conferences!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The New District Website!!

Just a Note

  • The brand new school district website will be launched later this month!  There will be lots of resources and information right at you fingertips, in an easy to navigate website.  There will also be a link to our class blog so you can continue to utilize this tool for keeping up with classroom happenings.
  • Don't forget to use the FREE resources at our class Spelling City page to work with your child on his or her spelling words.  You can always find the link on the right-hand side of the blog under "Resources", listed as Mrs. King's Spelling City page.
  • As the weather continues to cool down, please ensure that your child wears appropriate clothing for outside recess, including a warm jacket or coat.  We will go outside for recess any time the temperature is above 40 degrees and it is not snowing or raining.
  • Don't forget you are able to make comments on this blog.  Just scroll to the bottom of any post you'd like to respond to, and follow the easy steps for commenting and posting.  This blog can be a form of two-way communication!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Second Qurter News!

Learning Fun for Everyone!!

Math: We will be learning about money (counting coins, counting up to a dollar when making change, and different combinations of coins). We will also practice telling time to the Quarter Hour using the terms "quarter past, half past, and a quarter till".  We will also practice measuring to the nearest inch.

Reading: We will go into more depth about character traits and how that effects the plot of the story.  We will be writing and responding in our journals.

Writing: We will begin to learn how to write a personal memoir, and the parts of a friendly letter.  We will also continue our study of non-fiction writing.

Please practice with your students at home!  Let's get a fresh start with our reading logs.  We will have 7 to turn in this quarter!

November and December Calendar

November Dates:
7          Tutoring

8          Cooking Classes 1st-3rd Grade
            Science Club

9          Tutoring

10      FIC-Family Involvement Meeting 3:45

11        Veteran’s Day – Early Out
            9:00 Veteran’s Day Assembly – Kayla’s Brother speaking!
14        Tutoring

16        Tutoring

21        Cooking Classes

23        Early Out Thanksgiving!

24, 25  No School

28        Tutoring
29        Choir
30        Tutoring

December Dates:
1          FIC- 3:45

6          Science Club
7          Early Out – Student Learning Conversations, Math

8          Health Express

12        Skating Day: K-2 9:00, 3-6 12:00, alternative lunches

13        Choir

20        Science Club
            3rd & 4th Grade Music Program
22        Send Out Grade Cards
            Early Out – Winter Break

No School Until Jan. 3

3          Staff Returns, PD Analyzing Student Work
4          Students Return

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Take a Peek At Our Week!


We have spent our first few weeks of school getting to know one another by doing lots of get to know you activities.  We have shared our “Me Bags,” made posters, and played games.  We wrote a book called, “Five Fun Things I Did This Summer” and have begun to learn and refresh our school and classroom rules and procedures!

The kids were very excited to dive into the classroom library today!  I am so happy to see that they have been reading!

I am sending home a group of addition practice sheets that you and your student may work on.  I would like them to know their facts from 0-9 fairly well so that we may begin to build up to harder concepts!

Important Dates For…September

5          No School
6          Red Wheel Orders and Money Due
12        Tutoring
            Board Of Education Meeting
13        Fall Open House – FIC event 6:00
14        Tutoring
15        Red Wheel orders in-Pick up-after school
16        Be a Buddy not a Bully Day – dress like your buddy!
17        Southside Parade 10:00 am
26        Health Express visit
28        Tutoring