Monday, October 31, 2011

Second Qurter News!

Learning Fun for Everyone!!

Math: We will be learning about money (counting coins, counting up to a dollar when making change, and different combinations of coins). We will also practice telling time to the Quarter Hour using the terms "quarter past, half past, and a quarter till".  We will also practice measuring to the nearest inch.

Reading: We will go into more depth about character traits and how that effects the plot of the story.  We will be writing and responding in our journals.

Writing: We will begin to learn how to write a personal memoir, and the parts of a friendly letter.  We will also continue our study of non-fiction writing.

Please practice with your students at home!  Let's get a fresh start with our reading logs.  We will have 7 to turn in this quarter!

November and December Calendar

November Dates:
7          Tutoring

8          Cooking Classes 1st-3rd Grade
            Science Club

9          Tutoring

10      FIC-Family Involvement Meeting 3:45

11        Veteran’s Day – Early Out
            9:00 Veteran’s Day Assembly – Kayla’s Brother speaking!
14        Tutoring

16        Tutoring

21        Cooking Classes

23        Early Out Thanksgiving!

24, 25  No School

28        Tutoring
29        Choir
30        Tutoring

December Dates:
1          FIC- 3:45

6          Science Club
7          Early Out – Student Learning Conversations, Math

8          Health Express

12        Skating Day: K-2 9:00, 3-6 12:00, alternative lunches

13        Choir

20        Science Club
            3rd & 4th Grade Music Program
22        Send Out Grade Cards
            Early Out – Winter Break

No School Until Jan. 3

3          Staff Returns, PD Analyzing Student Work
4          Students Return